21151 Race to the Roof. The relaunch of a Ravensburger classic! Place the 16 room cards right side up on the game board where indicated. They don´t need to be placed in any particular order, which allows for a different game every time! Shuffle the chance cards, which show different objects in the house, and place them beside the board where everyone can reach them. Roll the die and move forward the number of spaces thrown. If you roll a "6", draw a chance card and find the object pictured somewhere in the house. Once you´ve found the object, move your playing piece to the red space just below it. You may be able to take a giant leap forward, or you may have to go backwards. The first player to reach the skylight in the attic wins the game! What Do You Learn? The ability to recognize matching objects and perceive small differences, which is essential preparation for learning how to read. Number of Players
Playing Time 2 - 4 20 minutes For Ages 5 and Up .
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 21010 Hide & Seek An on the move memory game. Let´s Play! How are your memory skills? Place the 24 picture cards face up on the table, and place a colored disk over five of the picture cards, being sure that each player sees which picture each disk is covering. Roll the colored die to determine which colored disk you can lift off. But first you have to tell everyone what picture you think is hidden beneath that disk. Then, lift the disk off of the picture to see if you were right. If you were, you keep the picture card and place the disk on another picture. If you were wrong, you have to replace the disk and your turn is over. The winner is the player who has collected the most picture cards. What Do You Learn? Memory skills, association, color recognition Number of Players Playing Time 2 - 4 20 minutes For Ages 4 and Up
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 21246 Junior Labyrinth Let´s Play! Choose one of the four ghosts as your playing piece and place it on the matching color circle in one of the four corners of the game board. On your turn, use the extra tile to shift the maze wall one space in any of the directions indicated by arrows on the game board. Once you´ve completed this step, move your ghost through the open corridors on the board in search of treasures. Whoever reaches a treasure first gets to claim it by collecting the token that matches the treasure found. The player who collected the most treasures wins! What Do You Learn? Cause and effect, planning, association.. 1 - 4 Players 15 minutes Box Size 9 x 13 1/4 x 1 5/8 inches.. For Ages 5 and Up
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 21449 The Rainbow Fish Game. Win Friends in a Game that Glitters Above and Below the Surface Letıs Play! Just like in the book, the Rainbow Fish shares hi glimmering scales with the other fish in the ocean. Divide the playing cards by color and give each player the pile of cards of the color they chose. Then each player turns two of their cards face up in front of them. On your turn, roll the die and move the playing piece that number of spaces in either direction. Your goal is to reach the picture of the fish that matches one of the cards you have turned up in front of you. When you do this, put the card youıve matched in the middle of the game board and then turn up another card from you pile. If you roll the rainbow fish on your turn, you get to move to one of the pictures on the game board that matches one of your cards, and you get to choose another player to do the same. Look out for the shark, because if he turns up on the die, you lose your turn. The first player to get rid of all of their cards wins! What Do You Learn? Sharing, cooperation Number of Players 2 - 6 Playing Time 20 minutes For Ages
5 and Up
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 21532 Buggo The Creepin´ Crawlin´ Countin´ Game Letıs Play! Turn all of the bug tiles face down to form a sandbox of hidden bugs. The first player draws a card from the deck that indicates how many bugs they need to find. If you need to find three bugs for example, begin turning over bug tiles until youıve found three bugs, and keep the tiles youıve turned over. Or, you can stop after youıve found less than three bugs and in this case also get to keep the tiles youıve turned over so far. If you decided to keep going and end up finding more than three bugs, or if you turn over a Buggo tile, you donıt collect any bug tiles on this turn and must return whatever youıve turned over so it is face down where you found it. Each bug tile you collect is worth a point, and the player with the most points wins. For advanced players, change the winning rule so that the player who collected the most bugs wins, rather than the player with the most tiles. What Do You Learn? Enhances memory and counting skills Number of Players 2 - 8 Playing Time 20 minutes For Ages 5 and Up
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 21456 Ravensburger Lotto game Adorable pictures ot the cutest animal babies you´ve ever seen ! Can you find their places on the boards ? Whether playing alone or with others, Baby Animal Lotto will always be exciting because there´s so many different games to play. Each player chooses a playing board and places it in front of him.Shuffle the cards and spread them out face down on the table. To play Picture Lotto, turn over a picture card and say aloud which animal is shown. Whoever discovers the picture on his board calls out "here!" and may place that card on his board. Then the next player turns a picture card over. Whoever has his board completely covered first wins. Two other games to play. What Do You Learn ? Recognition of animals, association Instructions in the following languages. Number of Players 1 - 4 Playing Time 15 minutes
For Ages 3 and Up
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 21481 Things in My House A Picture Matching Game Letıs Play! Each player chooses an attic and a playing board, which features a house with four rooms. Place all of the room cards face down in an area where all players can reach them. Then, taking turns, draw one of the room cards to see if it matches with your house. If it does, place the card over the matching room, if it doesnıt, show the other players and return it face down to where you found it. The first player to find all of the room cards that match their house wins. Four additional game variations are included in the rules. What Do You Learn? Memory skills, verbalization, visual discrimination, association Instructions in the following languages. Number of Players 1 - 3 Playing Time 15 minutes For Ages 3 and Up
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 21558 Funny Bunny .. A Bunnies´ Race to the Top of the Hill. Let´s Play! Who will be the first player to reach the carrot at the top of the hill? Choose four bunnies of the same color. Then place the card deck face down in an area where all players can reach it. The youngest player goes first by turning over a card from the deck. The card will tell you how many holes you get to hope, either one, two, or three. If there´s another bunny on a hole, you get to jump over him. When you turn over a carrot card on your turn, you get to turn the carrot at the top of the hill until it clicks. Everyone watch out! One of your bunnies may fall through a hole and disappear! The player who makes it to the carrot first wins! What Do You Learn? Counting skills, color recognition, and how to have a "hole" lot of fun! Instructions in the following languages Number of Players 2 - 4 Players, Playing Time 20 minutes For Ages 4 and Up
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 21638 Here a Chick There a Chick A Memory and Search Game The more chicks you find the better! At the beginning of the game, place the hens only on the nests that have chicks in them. On your turn, move any one hen from its nest and put it on a nest that doesn´t already have a hen on it. What did you find, chicks or an egg? If you uncovered a chick, take the nest and put it in front of you. If not, your turn is over for now. As you move the hens from nest to nest, make sure you remember which nests have the chicks in them and which have the eggs. Win feather tokens by uncovering the most chicks. Once all nine feather tokens have been won, the player with the most feather tokens wins. For a shorter version, simply play one round and the player with the most chicks wins. What Do You Learn? Memory skills, recognition, counting Instructions in the following languages Number of Players 2 - 6 Playing Time 20 minutes
For Ages 4 and Up
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 225 Snails Pace Race Game Letıs Play! Place the colored wooden snails on their matching starting arrow. At the beginning of the game, each player chooses the color snail that they think will come in first and the one that they think will come in last. The youngest player starts by rolling the two wooden die. They then advance the snails that match the colors rolled. If they roll two of the same color, they would then move that color snail two spaces. Play continues until all of the snails have reached their color circle at the other end of the game board. Just remember to keep track of which snails were first and last. The players who chose the right snails all win! What Do You Learn? Color recognition, task completion
Number of Players 2 - 6 Playing Time 15 minutes For Ages 3 and Up
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