936 Tell-A-Story An imaginative memory and storytelling game . Let´s Play! There are many stories waiting to be discovered and told! Each player uses their memory skills to try to be the first player to collect all five story cards about a single character. Once all of the players have collected all of their story cards, they arrange their cards to tell a story of their choice. Maybe the kitten unraveled the sweater and rolled the yarn into a tidy ball. Or maybe the clever kitten started with the ball of yarn and knit his very own sweater! What Do You Learn? Encourages children to develop their imagination and creativity as well as logical thinking and language skills. Number of Players
1 - 5 Playing Time 15 minutes For Ages 4 and Up
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 24224 ABC Game A fun introduction to the alphabet Four different game options that grow with your child! Start with matching the pictures to the letters. The puzzle design of the cards means that only the correct picture will fit with any given letter. Move on to swap cards as you deal the cards out equally and work to make pairs with the cards you´ve been dealt. Move on to ask questions to earn your pairs, and finally to the partners version of the game. This is a more active version which has kids searching the room to find who has the picture that matches the letter they´ve been given. What Do You Learn? Recognition and naming of people, animals and objects. Also great for listening to, differentiating between, and pronouncing various letter sounds. Number of Players 1 - 4 Playing Time 20 minutes For Ages 3 and Up
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 21246 ColoramaThe Classic First Matching Game Let´s Play! Put all the colored-shaped pieces near the game board where all players can reach them. The youngest player begins by rolling the two dice. One die determines the color to be played, the other determines the shape. After rolling the dice, place the piece that matches onto the game board. For example, if you rolled blue and the triangle, find the blue triangle in the pile of pieces and place it on the game board in the corresponding cut out piece. The game is over when all fields on the game board have been covered. Two other game variations are included in the rules. What Do You Learn? How distinguish and name shapes and colors Number of Players 1 - 6 Playing Time 20 minutes
For Ages 3 and Up
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 24387 1 2 3 Game A fun introduction to numbers. A great way to have fun learning numbers! Shuffle the large picture cards and give each player three of them. The rest of the puzzle pieces are laid out face up on the table. Notice the three symbols on the die: one for numbers, one for fingers, and one for die dots. Roll the die and look for the match to one of your picture cards.If you have the picture card with seven frogs, and roll the symbol for numbers, that means you need to find the number card with the "7" on it. Once you find it, match it up with your frog card. You´ll know if you´re right because this game is self-correcting; only the right pieces fit with the right numbers. The first player to match up all of his picture cards wins the game. What Do you Learn ? Number recognition of numbers 1 - 10, different ways numbers can be represented Number of Players 1 - 4 Playing Time 20 minutes For Ages 3 and Up
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 1147 The Amazing Labyrinth Magically Shift the Maze to Reach your Goal Letıs Play! Choose a wooden playing piece and place it on the corresponding circle in one of the four corners of the game board. Put the 24 treasure cards face down in a pile where everyone can reach them. On your turn, draw a treasure card, being sure not to show it to the other players. Use the extra maze card to shift the maze in any of the twelve directions allowed. Your goal is to create a path for your playing piece to reach the object on your treasure card. If you canıt make it to your treasure yet, move your playing piece along the path as far as you choose, and hope youıll be able to shift the maze in your favor on your next turn. Play continues to the left with each player shifting the maze in an effort to reach the treasure pictured on the card they draw from the pile. Once all of the treasures have been reached, the player who has found the most treasures wins! Number of Players 1 - 4 Playing Time 20 minutes For Ages 8 and Up
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 21456 Ravensburger Enchanted Forest A Magical Treasure Hunt in the Land of Fairy Tales game Let´s Play! To set up the game, snap one treasure into the bottom of each tree and place the trees where indicated on the game board. Choose your playing piece and place in near the village on the game board, which serves as the starting area. The king´s castle reveals the treasures you must search for throughout the forest. Roll the die to determine the distance you move, making your ways to the trees to see what treasures are hidden under them. When you reach a tree, you can look under it, making sure the other players don´t see what you´ve found. Once you´ve found the treasure the king has requested, make your way to the castle so that you can announce where it is. If you´re right, you continue on your journey for the next treasure. If you´re wrong, you must go all the way back to the village and start over. The first player to correctly announce the location of three treasures wins! Number of Players 2 - 6 Players Playing Time 20 minutes
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 24602 Junior Colorino A Game of Color Recognition Let´s Play! Bring pictures to life! Choose a picture in either color or black-and-white and insert it into the transparent game board. Now, match the colors in the picture to create a three dimensional image. Or, use one of the black-and-white pictures and create your very own piece of art. Come with 37 extra large colored chips. What Do You Learn? Color recognition and creativity Number of Players 1 Playing Time 20 minutes For Ages 2 and Up
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