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Frequently Asked Questions

Rokenbok Vehicles
Questions concerning:
New Collectors
Building Systems
Command Electronics
Robotic Vehicle and Accessories
Learning and Skills Benefits
Product Awards

New Collectors

The question most often asked about Rokenbok is "What should I buy first?"

Every family's first Rokenbok purchase must be a Start Set, either the Pump Station or the Action Factory. Each Start Set contains everything needed to start playing with Rokenbok - the Command Deck, one Control Pad, one RC vehicle, and a selection of building pieces and accessories. The Command Deck can only be found in Rokenbok Start Sets.
Start Set
Does Rokenbok sell direct to the public?
yes, but you may order online from us.

Is there a Rokenbok catalog? If so, how can I get one?
The Rokenbok System Suggested Retail Price List includes photographs and detailed descriptions of all Rokenbok products. Click Product Catalog to see it online. To get a printed price list, please contact Rokenbok at customerservice@rokenbok.com and leave us your address and phone number. Or, give them a call at (888) 4ROKBOK (476-5265) or (760) 632-3585.

What is Rokenbok's warranty and repair policy?
We have adopted a Lifetime Guarantee for both the Command Deck (with the yellow antennae) & the Control Pad. So, no matter what the reason, we will repair or replace these items at no cost, for as long as you own your System. Additionally, Rokenbok offers a six-month warranty on all other parts and labor. For service, please contact customer service at customerservice@rokenbok.com, or call (888) 4ROKBOK (476-5265) or (760) 632-3585 to get online telephone troubleshooting.

Building Systems

Is the Rokenbok System LEGO® brick compatible?
Yes, in the United States Rokenbok deck plates and ramps can act as base plates, allowing children to decorate their Rokenbok buildings with LEGO® bricks.

Do Rokenbok buildings come pre-assembled?
No, they are assembled from various building components to make an infinite variety of building layouts. Plan books showing multiple building layouts are included with each building set.

Can building sets be combined?
Absolutely and by design. In fact, every building component uses the same snap-fit connection. So, the handrails can be snapped onto a beam, a ramp, or the cargo trailer. Beams snap into the red connector blocks or into each other. Chutes and Hoppers can be added to any building in never-ending new patterns.
Is there a limit to how big or tall Rokenbok buildings can be made?
No. By using the red "L" and "T" shear braces, you can build any size building you want with confidence (just for fun, we built a suspension bridge about six feet high).

Your plan books show how to build three configurations, and we'd like to build more. Are other plans available?
Take a look at the Tips and Tricks section. You will find some cool layout ideas there.

Command Electronics

What happens when two children try to select the same vehicle?
It depends on whether the switch located on the underside of a Control Pad is set to A or B. If it is set to A, the Command Deck is the "Traffic Cop" for vehicle control: the Command Deck gives control of a vehicle to the first child who selects it and will not allow a second child to "log-on" to the same vehicle. If the switch on the underside of a Control Pad is set to B, the Command Deck will allow both children access to the same vehicle.

Are there sensitive electronics or batteries in the Radio Keys? Does the Command Deck re-charge the Radio Keys when they are in the Command Deck?
The answer to all of the above is no. The Radio Keys just turn the vehicles on and off and give the vehicle a number. They contain no electronics other than the LED light.

What is the range of (the distance from which vehicles can be controlled) the Command Deck?
About twenty feet.

Can two Command Decks be used together so that more than four children can play at once?
No, only one Command Deck can be used in a room, so four players are the maximum.

What is the Smart Port for?
The "Smart Port" is provided for future electronic accessories.

What are the Accessories Ports for?
The two "Accessories" ports on the front of the Command Deck supply power to motorized accessories like the Conveyor.

I am moving to (Germany, Japan, China, Australia, etc.). Can I get an adapter so my Rokenbok system will work when I get there?
Contact us at customerservice@rokenbok.com and let us know where you are headed. We can provide you with the correct AC adapter for a nominal charge if you call us at (888) 4ROKBOK (476-5265) or (760) 632-3585.

Robotic Vehicle and Accessories

How long do batteries last?
A set of batteries will last through several extended play sessions. The microprocessors in each vehicle are programmed to conserve battery power. The vehicles go into a power-conserving standby mode when not in use and shut down automatically after a few minutes when the Command Deck is not used or shut down.

Can I use more than one of the same type of vehicle together?
Yes, any combination of Rokenbok vehicles can be used together.

What do the X/Y buttons do on the Loader vehicle?
On the Loader and the Dozer, the X/Y buttons have no function. Because some vehicles have fewer functions than others, not all of the buttons on the Control Pad are always used.

Why do the LED lights in the Radio Keys blink when you put them in vehicles?
The LED light will blink slowly until a vehicle is selected by a player. When the LED light is on with no blinking, it means some player has selected that vehicle from their control pad. A rapidly-blinking LED light means that the Command Deck is not on or the vehicle is out of the range of the Command Deck.

Learning Skills and Benefits

The way children naturally explore and play with the Rokenbok system provides a multitude of beneficial learning experiences.

Playing with Rokenbok helps children acquire useful skills for the present and future. These learning experiences fall into four distinct areas of learning and skills development:

1. Physical Skills
Rokenbok can enhance the development of children's fine motor skills. This comes about as the child assembles Rokenbok components in a variety of designs and also operates the Rokenbok remote control system, developing focused eye-hand coordination abilities.

2. Social Skills
Rokenbok can help teach social skills. Because Rokenbok works extremely well with group play, children are able to develop a positive approach to cooperative and "team" activity. Children learn to communicate, share, and help others to achieve a common goal such as in the assembly of a large operating Rokenbok structure. This also helps children learn to manage and reduce conflict and stress, important skills necessary in today's challenging social environment.

3. Cognitive Skills
The third area of learning that benefits from Rokenbok play is perhaps the most important. Rokenbok can positively impact children's cognitive skills development. The Rokenbok systems requires children to think abstractly in three-dimensional patterns, and to plan ahead in logical sequences to design, build, and play within a unique environment of their own creation.

Because Rokenbok components can assemble into operating systems, children are also offered the challenge of basic mechanics. Through Rokenbok, they begin to experience the applications of geometry and physics at abstract and tactile levels of understanding.

4. Creativity and Imagination
All of the previously discussed learning benefits of the Rokenbok system come together to help inspire children's imagination and ability to create their own distinctive play environments. Because of the variety of building system components and the stimulating Radio Control play elements, the Rokenbok system offers repeatable creative play. This encourages a child to imagine additional designs, configurations, and the play processes to achieve them.
