La Toys is a New York based toy retailer selling quality children's toys. Beanie babies and pillow pals are the teddy bear of the nineties.
We have a large selection of beanie babies in stock and at good prices.
Qualitiy toys like playmobil, brio and lego promote imagination and creativity. Thomas the tank engine is great fun for younger children.
LaToys offer a large line of brio, playmobil, lego, pillow pals and beanie
Our website uses a secure server and shopping cart so our customers can
order playmobil and brio from us safely using their credit card over the internet. Order other toys by phone. The newest versions of Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer have strong encryption that is nearly impossible to break. Older versions of these popular browsers have encryption as well.
How to use frames and shopping cart:
Wll track brio and playmobil purchases just click 'Place in shopping cart' no need to write item down,
Will also track beanie babies, Pillow Pals, Yoyos etc
All other items call our store - such as Arthur, Madeline, etc
Shows a frames-based site design,
Just load the item listings,
View the pictures of each of the toys by clicking on the item number,
No need to keep using the back button as item listings stay on the page,
After viewing the picture, scroll down and you see,
Place in shopping cart, click this to add, or go to the next item
If you want an item click "Place in shopping cart",
When You Go To Checkout Answer your georgraphical area,
Fill in your infomation including credit card info and then Submit It,
 "Click here to get or file reports on (La Toys Etcetera)"
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