Did You Know?
The College Entrance Examination Board reported in 1996 that students with experience in musical performance scored 51 points higher on the verbal portion of the SAT and 39 points higher on the math section than the national average. (1)
Your heart rate, skin temperature, and blood pressure will raise or lower depending upon the music you are listening to. (2)
The ear is the first organ to develop in the embryo, and is fully functional by 18 weeks. (3)
The planum temporale, an area of the brain which seems to be associated with language processing, is larger in musicians. (4)
The right hemisphere of the brain appears to be dominant in the perception of music, the analysis of geometric and visual space, and the production of dreams during REM sleep. (5)
Absolute pitch (the ability to match a personality to each sound) is found in 95 percent of children who started music study at age 4 or younger, but only among 5 percent of those who began between the ages of 12 and 14.