Music Blocks children can create their own musical masterpieces simply by playing with blocks! Place the blocks at random or carefully compose music according to the shapes on the sides of the blocks and their colors. Children are amazed and delighted with the music they are able to create by themselves! And, parents know they are giving their children the benefits of music that will last for years to come.
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With Music Blocks (ages 2 and up) children can create their own musical masterpieces simply by playing with blocks! Place the blocks at random or carefully compose music according to the shapes on the sides of the blocks and their colors.

Children are amazed and delighted with the music they are able to create by themselves! And, parents know they are giving their children the benefits of music that will last for years to come.

Music Blocks comes with five blocks, "Mozart's Night Music" cartridge, and a comprehensive guide for parents titled "Music and Your Child's Mind."
Additional cartridges include:
Sounds of the Orchestra
Rhythms of the World
Cartridges may be purchased separately.

12210 Music Blocks Basic Set
(Digital Sound System, Mozart Cartridge and Parent Guide).


40220 Winnie the Pooh.

40230 Mary Poppins.

10220 Rythms of the World Cartridge.

10230 Instruments of the Orchestra.

10240 Jumpin Jive Jazz Blocks.

30260 Surf n' Rock Blocks.

30270 Bach Blocks .

10260 Bravo Opera Blocks.

30280 Nutcracker Blocks.

Click to learn more about Your Child's Mind